SDI Coffee Morning: Informal Networking for Filmmakers, 30 June 2020

As we all try to come to terms with what lockdown means for our lives and careers, we want to give the next few Tuesdays over to established documentary filmmakers and emerging talent who want to chat to others in similar – or perhaps radically different – situations.

The format is simple:

Step 1: Join us at 10am and we’ll welcome you, suggesting some topics of conversation.

Step 2: You’ll be randomly allocated to a breakout room for 45 minutes.

Step 3: You can chat to others about whatever topics are on your mind. Whether it’s distribution for your current film, funding for your next one, issues with editing, or how you’re managing to concentrate during lockdown – it’s your room, you decide.

Step 4: After 45 minutes we’ll repeat Step 1 to allow you to meet different people.

And that’s it.

Once you’ve registered your interest here we’ll send you an invitation with a link to the Zoom meeting.


30 June 2020, 10.00AM - 01.00PM

