Berlin, minus nine


(Part of Lou's diary from Berlin.)

One day from the Berlinale now and the sadism in the air has condensed into snow.

People walk around pretending its ok – but I know better.

Here's three of them as seen from the window of ex-ECA classmate and Bridging the Gap film-maker, Tali. Notice how these three lunatics have left their houses to promenade through the polar-powder, jauntilly and purposefully and, in some cases, pouting to whistle bravely like nothings wrong at all. Unfortunately the man with the hat on the corner had been in mid-stride for 3 hours. That's where bravado gets you.

lou_Berlinale_splendour_sm.jpgSo no, dear reader, I am not going out to blog anything today. However, Tali and I did hang out in Potsdamer Platz yesterday. It was the first day of the ticket sales and the shopping arcade the Berlinale had taken over looked splendid with its bear motifs. Talking of motifs, the other image which adorns nearly every advertising space in Berlin is David Beckham stripped down to his pants and unfeasably large testicle-filling. Odd this. And chilling.


Which brings me to cake. Cake keeps the chill out and Berlin is very good at cake.

So, after Tali and I had queued for an hour or so to buy tickets for Kossakovsky's and Juliette Binoche's talks this opening weekend, we watched film crews accost groups of small children from a café whilst pouring over the rest of the packed festival program of films and events. 

Tomorrow: life from the hostel, where I meet the other Talent Campus in-mates.